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wiki:if:eth:synce:start [2023/05/11 09:27] – создано Roman Abakumovwiki:if:eth:synce:start [2023/05/12 08:21] (текущий) Roman Abakumov
Строка 6: Строка 6:
 If the CLKOUT pin is assigned to output the recovered clock from PHY and PHY is working at 1000BASE-T If the CLKOUT pin is assigned to output the recovered clock from PHY and PHY is working at 1000BASE-T
-mode, when the PHY is in SLAVE mode, the CLKOUT will output the recoverd clock from the MDI. If the +mode, when the PHY is in SLAVE mode, the CLKOUT will output the recoverd clock from the MDI.  
-device is in MASTER mode, the CLKOUT will output the clock based on the local free run PLL.+ 
 +If the device is in MASTER mode, the CLKOUT will output the clock based on the local free run PLL.
 ^ IC      ^ Type ^ Sync-E ^ IEEE1588 ^ ^ IC      ^ Type ^ Sync-E ^ IEEE1588 ^
 | YT8531S | PHY  | +      |          | | YT8531S | PHY  | +      |          |
wiki/if/eth/synce/start.1683797230.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2023/05/11 09:27 — Roman Abakumov