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wiki:cmp:pow:start [2022/03/06 15:09] Roman Abakumovwiki:cmp:pow:start [2024/02/05 15:45] (текущий) Roman Abakumov
Строка 1: Строка 1:
 ===== Power ===== ===== Power =====
 +[[wiki:cmp:transistors:start|MOSFET driver, MOSFET transistors]]
-[[|RK809 datasheet V1.01.pdf]]                  pdf PMIC Datasheet  Rockchip PMIC | | 2.5-5.| | | V1.01 2018 EN |+^ Vout  ^ VREF  ^ Rtop ^ Rbot ^ err, % ^ Vout  ^ 
 +| 1.5V  | 0.6V  | 49K9 | 33K  | 0.47  | 1.51V  | 
 +| 5V    | :::   | 10K  | 1K37 | -0.41 | 4.98V  | 
 +| 0.9V  | 0.8V            |              | 
 +| 1V    | :::   1K5  6K04 -0.13 0.999V | 
 +| 1.2V  | :::   | 1K5  | 3K   | 0     | 1.2V   | 
 +| 1.8V  | :::   | 4K99 | 3K92 | 1.02  | 1.82V  | 
 +| 2.5V  | :::   | 24K9 | 11K8 | -0.47 2.49V  | 
 +:::   | :::   | 4K7  | 2K2  | 0.36  2.51V  | 
 +| 3.3V  | :::   | 4K7  | 1K5  | 0.2   | 3.31V  | 
 +| :::   | :::   | 24K9 | 7K87 | 0.94  | 3.33V  | 
 +| 5V    | :::   | 15K  | 2K8  | 1.71  | 5.09V  |
-==== PMIC ==== +\\ STmicroelectronics eDesignSuite online power designer | 
-^ link ^ ext ^ description ^ Manufacturer ^ Type ^ Arch ^ Vin, V ^ Vout, V ^ Imax, A ^ version ^ date ^ lang ^ +                                  TI                              online power designer |
-[[http://localhost:8181/open&hash=bf68eac44464c0c96e66df1deb1b9d1f|RK809 datasheet V1.01.pdf]]                  | pdf | PMIC Datasheet  | Rockchip | PMIC | | 2.5-5.5 | | | V1.01 | 2018 | EN | +
-| [[http://localhost:8181/open&hash=61fe793bedd0a0e757ad96456a03298a|Rockchip RK809 Datasheet V1.5 20191009.pdf]] | pdf | PMIC Datasheet  | Rockchip | PMIC | | 2.5-5.5 | | |  V1.5 | 2019 | EN | +
-| [[http://localhost:8181/open&hash=b56d315854d8f1360d0c6d279788734c|Rockchip RK809 Datasheet V1.7 20201014.pdf]] pdf PMIC Datasheet  Rockchip PMIC | | 2.5-5.5 | | |  V1.7 | 2020 EN |+
-==== LDO ====+==== Manufacturers ==== 
 +| [[|Anpec]]                | {{flag>cn}} china\taiwan  |       | 
 +| [[|Mikron]]                                       | {{flag>ru}} russia        |       | 
 +| [[|consonance-elec]]  |                                 | 
 +| [[|injoinic]]                                                               | 
 +| [[|korchip]]  |                           | EDLC  |
-==== DCDC ====+==== EDLC ==== 
 +| [[|korchip]]  |                           | EDLC  |
-==== DCDC Controller ====+==== LED Driver ==== 
 +| |
 +| BPS | BP1361 | Buck | 5-30V | 0.8A | | compel, platan |
 +| BPS | BP1360 | Buck | 5-30V | 0.5A | | compel, platan |
-==== DCDC Multiphase Controller ==== 
-^ Onsemi ^^^^^^^ 
-^ link ^ ext ^ description ^ manufacturer ^ version ^ date ^ lang ^ 
-| [[http://localhost:8181/open&hash=99c4ffe0ec2571555dbe43014188e5f1|NCP4200-D.PDF]] | PDF | **NCP4200**\\ Synchronous Buck\\ Converter, Multi Phase (2,3,4), with\\ I2C Interface \\ Onsemi | Onsemi | rev. 5 | 2021.07 | EN | 
-| [[http://localhost:8181/open&hash=c1464548e7e78b51ef706209e95d89ea|NCP4208-D.PDF]] | PDF | **NCP4208**\\ Onsemi\\ VR11.1 Digital\\ Programmable 8-Phase (1-8)\\ Synchronous Buck\\ Converter with I2C\\ Interface  | Onsemi | rev. 5 | 2013.09 | EN | 
-==== MOSFET driver ==== +==== POE ==== 
-^ Onsemi ^^^^^^^ +---- datatable ---- 
-^ link ^ ext ^ description ^ manufacturer ^ version ^ date ^ lang ^ +cols    : %pageid%, abbreviation, descr_wiki, tags_tags 
-| [[http://localhost:8181/open&hash=0d1d6daf8529e59051f7b730583c9ad0|ADP3121-D.PDF]] | PDF | **ADP3121**\\ Onsemi\\ Dual Bootstrapped, 12 V MOSFET Driver with Output Disable  | Onsemi | rev.1 | 2010.02 | EN | +headers Page, Abbreviation, Description, Tags 
-| [[http://localhost:8181/open&hash=8ab793417f5de9a848913eac7433aa10|ADP3110A-D.PDF]] | PDF | **ADP3110A**\\ Onsemi\\ Dual Bootstrapped, 12 V MOSFET Driver with Output Disable  | Onsemi | rev.4 | 2008.08 | EN | +filter  %class%=abbreviation 
-[[http://localhost:8181/open&hash=118b9c92f47e45506c8de1ab5dfaf739|ADP3120A-D.PDF]] | PDF | **ADP3120A**\\ Onsemi\\ Dual Bootstrapped, 12 V MOSFET Driver with Output Disable  | Onsemi | rev.5 | 2018.08 | EN |+filter  : abbreviation=POE 
 +sort    ^pageid 
-==== MOSFET N-CHANNEL ====+==== LDO ==== 
 +---- datatable ---- 
 +cols    : %pageid%, abbreviation, descr_wiki, tags_tags 
 +headers : Page, Abbreviation, Description, Tags 
 +filter  : %class%=abbreviation 
 +filter  : abbreviation=LDO 
 +sort    : ^pageid 
 +==== DCDC boost ====
 ^ link ^ ext ^ description ^ manufacturer ^ version ^ date ^ lang ^ ^ link ^ ext ^ description ^ manufacturer ^ version ^ date ^ lang ^
-| [[http://localhost:8181/open&hash=b0dcdee4731fe9cebd18c0f98946e45c|Infineon_BSC034N03LS_G_DataSheet_v02_00_EN-1731101.pdf]] | pdf | **BSC034N03LSG ATMA1**\\ INFINEON\\ Транзистор: N-MOSFET; полевой; 30В; 100А; 57Вт; PG-TDSON-8 Infineon | rev. 2.2021.06 | EN | +| [[|FAIR-S-A0000507963-1.pdf]] | pdf | **FAN48623**\\ Onsemi (Fairchild)\\ 2500 mA Boost DCDC with Bypass Mode Onsemi (Fairchild) | rev. 1.2015.03 | EN | 
-| [[http://localhost:8181/open&hash=1eab888b3a2d77d344c2123a6d4e7d78|NTMFS4834N-D.PDF]] | PDF | **NTMFS4834N**\\ Onsemi\\ MOSFET – PowerSingleN-ChannelSO-8FL 30 V130 A\\ Применяется с ADP3121 на плате Intel DX58S0 Onsemi | rev. 6 | 2019.05 | EN |+ 
 +==== DCDC buck ==== 
 +| [[|FAN53200-D.PDF]] | PDF | **FAN53200**\\ Onsemi\\ TinyBuck RegulatorDigitally Programmable5 A2.4 MHz\\  | Onsemi | rev. 3 | 2020.05 | EN | 
 +| [[|NCP1597B-D.PDF]] | PDF | **NCP1597B**\\ Onsemi\\ Buck Regulator - Synchronous 1 MHz | Onsemi | rev. 2 | 2019.08 | EN | 
 +| [[|PAM2305.pdf]] | pdf | **PAM2305**\\ Diodes\\ 1A STEP-DOWN DC-DC CONVERTER  Diodes | rev. 2-6 | 2013.01 | EN | 
 +| [[|TCS4525_Ver.1.0.pdf]] | pdf | **TCS4525** DCDC 5A 3MHz I2C (FAN53200UC35X analog) | TCS | v1 | 2015.05.26 | EN | 
 +==== DCDC flyback ==== 
 +|        | MPS |                                                             
 +| MP6004 | MPS | | Designed for POE 13W, No optocoupler | 
 +| MP6005 | MPS |                | No optocoupler | 
 +| MP6001 | MPS |                  | w optocoupler 15W | 
 +| MP6002 | MPS | | w optocoupler 30W | 
 +==== DCDC Controller ==== 
 +| NCP1589A | TPS51113 | ISL6341, ISL6341C  | 300kHz | 
 +| NCP1589B | TPS51163 | ISL6341A, ISL6341B | 600kHz | 
 +^ Vout  ^ R2  ^ C2     ^ C1     ^ R1  ^ R3   ^ C3     ^ R4   ^ I   ^  
 +| 5V    | 20K | 3300PF | 100PF  | 20K | 240R | 3300PF | 3K65 | 6A? | 
 +| 3V3   | 2K2 | 0.22UF | 3300PF | 4K7 | 200R | 3300PF |      | 6A? | 
 +==== DC/DC (AC/DC) Convertor ==== 
 +| [[|KP321XB.PDF]]                        | PDF  | **KP321XB**\\ KIWI \\ KP321XB series is a high-performance and low-cost PWM control function \\                                                                                                                                                                      | KIWI     | -           | -        | CN  | 
 +| [[| MP9488.PDF]]                         | PDF  | **MP9488**\\ MPS \\ The MP9488 is a 7.5V to 450V, wide input, 300mA, step-down converter                                                                                                                                                                             | MPS      | rev. 1      | 2016.12  | EN  | 
 +| [[| BM2P129TF.PDF]]                | PDF  | **BM2P129TF**\\ ROHM \\ The PWM type DC/DC converter for AC/DC This series has a built-in HV starter circuit that tolerates 650V/800V                                                                                                                                | ROHM     | rev. 2      | 2017.04  | EN  | 
 +| [[| RAA223012.PDF]]  | PDF  | **RAA223012**\\ Renesas \\ The RAA223012 is a universal input AC/DC switching buck regulator with ultra-low standby power that features \\ a 700V integrated MOSFET capable of delivering up to 2.5W output power. It supports output voltage as low \\ as 3.3V. \\  | Renesas  | rev. 3.01   | 2022.03  | EN  | 
 +| [[| AL17050.PDF]]                       | PDF  | **AL17050**\\ Diodes \\ The AL17050 is a universal AC high voltage input step down regulator Working with a single winding inductor \\ and integrating a 500V                                                                                                        | Diodes   | rev. 2 - 2  | 2018.04  | EN  | 
 +| [[| BM2P1xxTF.PDF]]                | PDF  | **BM2P1xxTF**\\ ROHM \\ The PWM type DC/DC converter for AC/DC This series has a built-in HV starter circuit that tolerates 650V/800V                                                                                                                                | ROHM     | rev. 2      | 2017.04  | EN  | 
 +| [[| LSxx-K3BxxSS.PDF]]             | PDF  | **LSxx-K3BxxSS**\\ MORNSUN \\ LSxx-K3BxxSS series is highly efficient green power AC-DC Converter series. It features wide input voltage range, \\ accepting both DC and AC input voltage, high efficiency and low power consumption.                                | MORNSUN  | A/3         | 2023.03  | EN  |
wiki/cmp/pow/start.1646579397.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2022/03/06 15:09 — Roman Abakumov